Measure joint orientations in cored rock with your iPhone


Stability mechanics in rock engineering is dominated by the distributional character of fractures (`jointing'), and related structural geological features such as bedding planes. Considerable importance is attached therefore to fracture-distributional data collected from outcrops and boreholes. 

The borehole mode of data acquisition amounts in practice to measuring the planar incidence of fractures along the hole axis, either using in-situ televiewer images, or directly on the cylindrically sectioned pieces recovered from the borehole. 

Towards facilitating the latter piecewise method, the Kenometer app is a simple augmented reality (AR) interface enabling the measurements to be carried using just  your iPhone.

How it works

Via the device camera, the app detects your workbench surface and places upon it a 3d virtual geometric template. The borehole piece to be measured is then placed by the user inside the template, and its standardized goniometric parameters alpha and beta are determined by visually aligning the template, using sliders and touchscreen gestures.
